Resep Terbaru Tuna crispy Enak Sederhana

This spicy tuna crispy rice combines sweet, umami spicy tuna served over creamy avocado and Spicy Tuna Crispy Rice. Ikan tuna (fillet)•bahan tepung crispy•tepung terigu•maizena (bisa diganti tapioka)•telur•bumbu halus•bawang putih (sesuaikan dengan jumlah tuna)•Garam, lada, penyedap. Lightly crisped rice patties topped with spicy tuna tartare.

Resep Tuna crispy mudah, nikmat, praktis

This appetizer has been popping up in the trendiest of restaurants and has. Imagine crispy rice cakes topped with creamy avocado, perfectly seasoned sashimi grade tuna Let's learn how to make spicy tuna crispy rice at home and even better! When cool, enough to handle, arrange rice pieces on a serving platter.

Bahan bahan Tuna crispy

  • Persiapkan 250 gram : fillet tuna.
  • Sediakan Secukupnya : bumbu ungkep (lihat resep).
  • Sediakan Secukupnya : air rendaman (lihat resep).
  • Siapkan Secukupnya : tepung mix (lihat resep).

Place spicy tuna mixture onto top to cover. My own twist on crispy rice tuna rice bite from nobu. I made it into a burger because a bite isn't I've been seeing a lot of crispy rice with tuna/ salmon on my social media lately and decided to take my. These Tuna Patties are very easy and quick to make and made without any flour of mayo.

Proses memasak Tuna crispy

Potong-potong kecil fillet ikan tuna.

Masukkan 1 sdm bumbu ungkep, remas-remas dan diamkan 30 menit.

Masukkan tuna ke tepung mix lalu baluri

Masukkan tuna ke air rendaman lalu balur lagi ke tepung mix, angkat-angkat sampai kelihatan keritingnya.

Goreng tuna dalam minyak panas dan banyak dengan api sedang hingga kuning kecoklatan. Angkat dan tiriskan.

Sajikan hangat.

When no-one could go to restaurants this past year, TikTok took over and served up various viral recipe hits - one of which was Nobu's amazing spicy tuna crispy rice. These easy crispy tuna patties are a perfect way to use up cans of tuna. They're simple to make and just so good y'all! Crispy Lemon Parmesan, Garlic & Herb Tuna Patties (Tuna fish cake recipe). Crispy sushi rice that is topped with a simple but flavorful spicy tuna mixture, layered with mashed avocado, and finished off with fresh cilantro and jalapeño slices.